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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Hesperia Heat AYSO 878

10U Division Highlights

10U Division Highlights

10U introduces players to the most of the IFAB Laws of the Game (LotG) and the more competitive aspects of soccer. Score is kept in 10U, but the fun and joy of the players should be the most important aspect of the game. Wins and Losses are NOT tracked during the core season; they are only important in the Tournament.

  • Rosters are formed with players born in 2015 and 2016. Teams will be gender-specific if enough participants and volunteers register. If not, the teams will be formed coed. 
  • 10U practices twice per week, for 1.5 hours per session
  • Games are typically held at Maple park but may be played in neighboring regions (Tri-Comm (in Phelan) or Victorville).
  • Plays 7v7 with goalkeepers (this is the first division where goalkeepers are used).
  • Games are two 25-minute halves with at most 5-minute half-time and water/substitution breaks approximately half-way though each half (“quarters”)
    • The clock does NOT stop during “quarter” water/substitution breaks, so they must be as short as possible
  • Certified referees MUST be available to officiate or the game will be rescheduled
    • If enough referees are available, they will also serve as Assistant Referees.
    • If there are not enough trained referees available for the Assistant Referee positions, a volunteer from each sideline will be asked to serve as a "club linesperson."
  • Penalty kicks and offside are introduced.
  • 10U players may NOT head the ball.
  • 10U goalkeepers may NOT punt or drop kick the ball
  •  In 10U only, there is a Build Out Line which promotes learning how to play the ball “out of the back,” in a low-pressure setting.
    • The Build-Out Line only restricts the position of the opposing (offensive) team. The opposing team must move behind the build-out line, away from the goal, for any goal kick or goalkeeper possession.
    • After the ball is put into play, the opposing team may cross the build-out line and play may resume as normal.
    • The build-out line shall be used as the line to determine offside instead of the half-line.

12U Division Highlights

12U Division Highlights

12U is designed to expand on the tactical and foundational learning in 10U, adding strategy. Score is kept in 12U, but the fun and joy of the players should be the most important aspect of the game. Wins and losses are NOT tracked during the core non-competitive season.

  • Rosters are formed with players born in 2013 and 2014. Teams will be gender-specific if enough participants and volunteers register. If not, the teams will be formed coed. 
  • 12U practices twice per week, for 1.5 hours per session, although coaches may add additional training opportunities
  • Games are often held at Maple Park but may be played in neighboring regions (Tri-Comm (in Phelan) or Victorville).
  • Plays 9v9 with goalkeepers
    • Goalkeepers may punt/drop kick the ball for the first time
  • Games are two 30-minute halves with at most 5-minute half-time and water/substitution breaks approximately half-way through each half (“quarters)
    • The clock does NOT stop during “quarter” water/substitution breaks, so they must be as short as possible
  • Certified referees MUST be available to officiate or the game will be rescheduled
    • If enough referees are available, they will also serve as Assistant Referees.
    • If there are not enough trained referees available for the Assistant Referee positions, a volunteer from each sideline will be asked to serve as a "club linesman."
  • The only restriction to the full IFAB Laws of the Game (LotG) is NO HEADING the ball
  • Offside is enforced from the half-line to the goal line (there is no Build-Out Line)

14U Division Highlights

14U Division

14U is designed to “bring it all together” into the full 11v11 game experience played by professionals world-wide. Score is kept in 14U, but the fun and joy of the players should be the most important aspect of the game. Wins and Losses are NOT tracked during the core season; they are only important in the Tournament.

  • Rosters are formed with players born in 2011 and 2012. Teams will be gender-specific if enough participants and volunteers register. If not, the teams will be formed coed. 
  • 14U practices twice per week, for 1.5 hours per session, although coaches may add additional training opportunities.
  • Games are often held at Maple Park but may be played in neighboring regions (Tri-Comm (in Phelan) or Victorville).
  • Plays 11v11 with goalkeepers
  • Games are two 35-minute halves with at most 5-minute half-time and water/substitution breaks approximately half-way through each half (“quarters)
    • The clock does NOT stop during “quarter” water/substitution breaks, so they must be as short as possible
  • Certified referees MUST be available to officiate or the game will be rescheduled
    • If enough referees are available, they will also serve as Assistant Referees.
    • If there are not enough trained referees available for the Assistant Referee positions, a volunteer from each sideline will be asked to serve as a "club linesman."
  • There are no restrictions to the full IFAB Laws of the Game (LotG)
  • Offside is enforced from the half-line to the goal line (there is no Build-Out Line)

10U, 12U, 14U Fall 2024 Season

Fall Season 2024
Middle Divisions:10U, 12U, & 14U
The following applies to ALL Divisions:

Hesperia AYSO operates a graduated approach to learning soccer with fields, rules and teams sized appropriately to age and learning needs. Interest and enthusiasm are the only criteria for instruction and playing. Any level of experience is welcome, from beginners to advanced. Our goal is ALL players play at least 75% of each game.

Our programs are about playing and learning through playing. The game itself has been the best teacher of the game for over 100 years. Winning does not trump playing time for any player.

Program Structure and Information for 10U (2015-2016), 12U (2013-2014), & 14U (2011-2012)

  • Mandatory Parent Orientation via Zoom
  • Mandatory Player Evaluations
  • Games are typically held at Maple Park in Hesperia but there may be games in our neighboring regions of TriCom (Phelan) and Victorville
  • Multiple park locations may be available for coach to choose from for practices
  • Non-Competitive Core Season with optional end-of-season Competitive Playoff Tournament for teams that qualify *
  • Basic picture package included
  • Uniform jersey, shorts, socks included
  • Players need closed-toed shoes (preferably cleats), shin-guards, and a size 4 ball for 10U/12U or size 5 ball for 14U.
For teams that QUALIFY * There will be a BONUS Competitive Playoff Tournament at season end and the top teams from that tournament have an opportunity to continue on a Competitive Tournament cycle extending into Area tournament in January 2025. Each team must earn sufficient referee and volunteer points to qualify to participate in this otherwise free bonus Competitive tournament.

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Hesperia AYSO - Region 878

13312 Ranchero Rd, #18-59
Oak Hills, California 92344

Email Us: [email protected]
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