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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Hesperia Heat AYSO 878

EXTRA is a try-out based, internal gaming-circuit program that offers players a higher-level opportunity to refine their skills in a more competitive playing environment. The Extra program is a side-by-side program meaning that players participating in Extra are not eligible to play within the Core program or All Star/Select play.

For those who want to play harder and still be a part of AYSO, EXTRA is perfect! This program gives AYSO athletes a more progressive soccer experience. With the right balance of competition and inclusion, you can feel secure knowing your child is part of a trusted organization and will be given fair playing time. AYSO’s core philosophies are still in place: everyone on the team plays at least 50 percent of each game, the selection of the players on the teams is based on open and fair evaluations, and the teams are chosen to create a competitive balance. No paid coaches or referees are allowed. All AYSO standards for training and certification for coaches and referees are in place. 

Program Guidelines

Our Region guidelines for the Extra program fall under the Southern California Extra Developmental Soccer League (SCEDSL). The SCEDSL is a gaming circuit designed to support the AYSO EXTRA Programs (“EXTRA”) being offered in AYSO Sections 1, 10 and 11. The SCEDSL’s purpose is to create gaming circuits that have been optimized to provide teams the best possible experience and competition with the least amount of travel. The travel distance will be determined by the number of teams in a given division. It may include gaming circuits for 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U, 14U, 15U and 16U age divisions (both boys and girls). It includes a Fall season, a Post Season tournament, and a Spring season. This is for players born 2011-2016

Extra Tryouts

  • Players must attend at least one try-out and submit their Extra registration for the tryout (no charge is assessed at this time).
  • Players must attend the appropriate age division tryout date. This is to ensure players are evaluated fairly and accurately within their age group.
  • Players may attend more than one tryout (i.e. if they were nervous or not feeling at their best on the first tryout they attended).
  • A parent/guardian must be present during tryouts and must remain in the designated area during that time.
  • Players must have shin guards and appropriate footwear to try out - no shin guards, no tryouts.
  • Players should bring water and a ball of the appropriate size.
  • Attending the tryout does not guarantee a spot on the team if a team is formed.

Tryout Dates

To be determined based on interest level for the various divisions. 


The cost for the program is $180. Click here for to see the fee breakdown.  

Extra Circuit Schedule

June 2024: Tryouts will be held as determined by the Region

June/July: Rosters created and registration process completed.

July: Parent, team, and coach meetings

August: Practices begin

Games TBD

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Contact Us

Hesperia AYSO - Region 878

13312 Ranchero Rd, #18-59
Oak Hills, California 92344

Email Us: [email protected]
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