Referees have the best view of the game. Not only can you see the players in action, you get to become involved in their development on and off the field, which is truly a unique experience.
Consider, as well, encouraging your child to volunteer as a player-referee (ages 12 and up). Player referees have the opportunity to learn the Laws of the Game in detail, to receive mentoring while applying those Laws on the field, and to become part of the action in a game without being invested in the game’s results; this is a unique and valuable learning opportunity for players! Every player-referee I've known has become a better player as a direct result of being a referee!
AYSO referees are all volunteers. We expect them to be treated in a courteous manner by coaches, players and spectators.
We offer training, uniforms, and referee equipment for all certified referees, at no charge. The best time to become a referee is when your child is in their first year, that way you can learn and grow with them. Being a referee is not limited to soccer savvy individuals; our training courses are designed to teach someone who has never even SEEN a soccer ball to certified referee in less than a day. We invite all relatives and friends, even those with little to no soccer experience – even siblings or youth looking for volunteer hours – to help us provide a safe, fair and fun environment for our players; please consider volunteering to be a referee.
Unfortunately, by AYSO, FIFA and IFAB rules, a game may NOT be played without certified referees - games must be canceled if we have insufficient referees to cover them!
For those of you already a referee, welcome back! And thank you for your continued support!
The links below will help you on your path.
Thank you!
Oscar Bentley
Regional Referee Administrator
Have more questions or want to get started? Send me an email at
[email protected]