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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Hesperia Heat AYSO 878

Spring 2025 Season Dates

Parent Orientation (6U-19U): TBD (offered January 20th - February 2nd)

Player Evaluations (10U-14U): February 1st and 2nd (Times TBD)

Practices Start: March 3rd - 14th

First Games of the Season 6U-19U: April 4th and 5th 

SoccerFest and Picture Day: April 6th

Last Games of the Season (6U-14U):May 16th - 18th

Optional Tournament for 10U-14U:May 27th - June 1st

Season Information - Fall 2024

Getting Ready for the Spring Season

As we get closer to the season, there are a few things that you can do to prepare for the upcoming season.

Get Connected!

Check your email (including spam folder) often as we get ready for the season. Important information about upcoming meetings, player evaluations, and other key information for the season is communicated primarily through email.

Check the website and calendar often to see new announcements and events.

Join us on social media and get ready to share the season of soccer!

Facebook: Hesperia AYSO Region 878 Facebook Group

YouTube: @aysor878

Instagram: aysoregion878

Check the Details!

Has your kiddo gone through a growth spurt? Did you accidentally select the wrong size? Update this information in your registration form. Did this happen after February 1st? Use this Uniform Size Update link to update your player’s uniform size.

Change in Plans?

Not joining us on the field after all? Complete the Player Withdrawal Request form. Check out the Withdrawal and Refund Policy for additional information.

Mandatory Parent Orientation 6U-19U

Parent Orientations are mandatory for families in the 6U-19U Divisions. You are only required to attend one session. Click the link to join the session at the scheduled date and time. 

Player Evauations 10U, 12U, 14U
Players in the 10U-14U division should attend player evaluations. This will help us create balanced teams AND your player will get a practice jersey! Players should have shin guards, close-toed shoes or cleats and a water bottle. Please bring a ball if you have one!

Player Evaluations will be held at Maple Park. Please attempt to arrive early or on time for your session.

*If unable to attend due to illness or being out of town, we will leverage the player data contained in the registration form. This is not the most accurate gauge of player ability so please attend if able.

Get Your Player's Gear Ready!
Time to start getting your player geared up for the season. If they are a new player, they will most likely need some equipment. If they are a returning player, now is the time to start checking the fit and readiness of existing gear! The required gear includes: 

Shin guards (required when players may have contact)
        Long athletic socks or leggings that completely cover shin guards (softens hard plastic edges)
Closed-toed shoes, preferably cleats
Water bottle
Soccer ball (every player needs their own; no sharing gear)
Size 3 for 6U/8U
Size 4 for 10U/12U
Size 5 for 14U+

The Season is Starting…

Patience is needed as the season gets started… teams may begin practicing at varied times due to the onboarding status of the coach, the coach’s personal schedule, and a number of other factors. There is usually a three week timeframe within which teams will begin practicing.

After rosters are issued, we will release the rosters for viewing. You will be able to view your team assignment, practice schedule, and game schedule by logging into and clicking the Team Central tab. Note, this will not be available until the start of the season.

Your coach will contact you with practice information, this typically occurs by the end of the first week of practices. If you have not yet received a phone call, text message, or email by March 14th, you may complete the Coach Contact Request form. Requests for status of player assignment submitted via email, text, or messages will not be addressed.

Head to the Fields...


Once you have heard from your player's coach, it is time to head to the field. The season starts off with practices based the schedule established by your coach. Depending on your division and the coach's schedule, you may have 1-2 practices per week. 

Practice time is important to help your player not only develop soccer skills but also team skills that will help the kids develop and grow. These skills will be reflected during games and is really identifiable when you consider the kiddos first game of the season and then consider how much growth they have gone through by the time they reach game eight. At the younger divisions especially (6U/8U/10U/12U), watching the practices from the sideline and paying attention to the skills, drills, and other areas the coach is focusing on will help you support the players to continue to practice certain skills and concepts at home. 

If you are unable to attend a practice session, please inform your coach as soon as possible. This will help the coach determine how many kiddos may be at practice so that they can plan accordingly. 


Games will be played on Friday night, Saturday, and Sundays. The game schedule will be published as soon as it is completed. We hope to have it completed by the end of August but that is partially dependent on securing the volunteers for the teams to identify team count and conflicts as many of our volunteers coach multiple teams. 


Picture Day is April 6th... save the date with a smile!

Family Commitment

Your Teams

AYSO is powered through many teams of folks willing to volunteer to help make the soccer program an amazing experience for your player.

Within our region alone, we have many teams needed to make the season happen for the kiddos…

Our coaches and assistant coaches are a team committed to helping the kiddos in our community learn the game of soccer and experience what it means to show good sportsmanship, recognize their strengths, and help them grow into amazing humans.

Our referees create a team committed to ensuring your kiddos have a safe, fair, and fun game in the 10U and older divisions. A referees job isn’t easy, they rarely make multiple people happy when their whistle blows (or doesn’t). While they might not be the most popular person on the pitch they are vital to helping players understand not only the laws of the game but also how to handle calls they don’t like, refocus on the task at hand, and understand that many, many perspectives of an scenario exist.

Our team managers (aka team parent) form a team committed to helping the coaches manage administrative tasks so the coach can focus on developing the players. This may include managing team communication, team funds and fundraising activities, party planning, trophies/medals, banners,  and organizing snack schedules.

Our board members create a team that manages the administration of the program to ensure not only the basics can be met but that we can continue to provide more programs, events, and opportunities to the region.

Your division creates a team of similar aged kiddos who are on a different soccer team this season but may be their teammate next season. Many of these kiddos will grow up on these soccer fields, building friendships and support is a key priority in our program.

Your player’s soccer team is the team that you and your player will interact with the most. The more positive engagement at the team level, the more comfortable the kiddos will be to have fun and learn!

The families and spectators in the region are a team dedicated and committed to providing a safe and fun environment rooted in positive energy and encouragement for ALL kiddos in a soccer uniform, ALL volunteers, and ALL families.

Thinking about getting more involved with the teams that support your kiddo? Check out information about the coach, referee, or team manager on our website! Considering supporting the program as a board member? Fill out form that tells us I Want to Do More and let us know more about how you want to support the program and we will reach out to you!

Referees are Essential!

Referees are Essential!

Games in the 10U/12U/14U/16U/19U divisions must have a trained referee on the field. For the best experience, two assistant referees are needed as well. If assistant referees are not available, a club linesman from each team will be assigned and they may only indicate the ball has gone out of bounds. This experience will imapct the player's development in the game if this occurs frequently as there will be less opportunity for modifying behavior through calls, education, and experience with offside.

 Without Referees, the kids cannot play! If referees are not signed up for a particular game by Thursday prior to games, the game will be rescheduled. A notification will be issued to the coach.

Please be KIND to our VOLUNTEERS! Refereeing is a SKILL honed over many games; thus ALL of us are STILL LEARNING! The referee’s top priority is to ensure the games is FUN, FAIR, and SAFE, not call every infraction! We are not perfect, we all make mistakes, and that MUST BE OKAY! Complaining only makes it worse - Complaining is bullying! 

YOUTH REFEREES are only approx. 40% of our referees but typically cover 66% of matches! Every Player (12 years old or older) who became a referee has improved as a player!

Hesperia AYSO has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for abusing a Youth Referee (complaining is abuse!) Once reported, we will ask you to leave the field space. 

A Safe Environment to Learn and Play

Player and Parent Code of Conduct

All registered families acknowledged the Player and Parent Code of Conduct. As a region, we have requested the coaches and other team volunteers to follow the process. This is designed to address behavioral concerns that can impact the players, the teams, the volunteers, and the families. Review the code of conduct with your player, family, and spectators.


NO PETS AT THE FIELD - must remain outside of park fence unless they are a Service Animal. Service Animals should be identifed as such

To report any concerns or compliments about any volunteer’s, spectator’s, family member’s, or player’s behavior regarding the Kids Zone Guidelines, please use the Kids Zone Report google form. The more feedback (both complimentary and opportunities for improvement) we get, the better everyone’s experience can become!

Good Sportsmanship

Check out additional information about the role of Good Sportsmanship in the program. 

Inclement Weather

Soccer is played in ALL kinds of weather but player safety is still priority ONE. Extreme weather may deserve modified play, but generally we will still play!

LIGHTNING is the exception! If you see it or hear it, the fields MUST BE CLEARED!

Play may not resume until a minimum of 30 minutes after the last lightning or thunder.

Rarely, HRPD will close the parks due to weather and this will be communicated ASAP via email.

If no communication is received, practices are at coach discretion but GAMES WILL BE PLAYED

Still have questions? Check out the Inclement Weather Safety guidelines for more information. 

Board Member Contacts

[email protected] - General inquiries
[email protected] - Report issues of inappropriate behavior
[email protected] -  Anything to do with money, sponsorships, vendors
[email protected] and [email protected] – Referee Scheduling, Training, Events
[email protected] - Incident reports, field and equipment

Additional contact information can be found on the Region 878 page (access through the About Us tab).

National Partners

Contact Us

Hesperia AYSO - Region 878

13312 Ranchero Rd, #18-59
Oak Hills, California 92344

Email Us: [email protected]
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